Remove and Uninstall Windows 7, 8, or 10 from Dual Boot PC Installation & Upgrade – Windows 10 Forums

Source: How to Remove and Uninstall Windows 7, 8, or 10 from Dual Boot PC Installation & Upgrade – Windows 10 Forums

Published by Shawn BrinkCategory: Installation & Upgrade
20 Jan 2020

If you have more than one operating system installed on your PC, you will see a Choose an operation system (Windows Boot Manager) screen at startup with the name (description) of each installed OS (boot loader entry) listed on the boot options menu.

This tutorial will show you how to remove and uninstall Windows 7Windows 8, or Windows 10 from a dual boot computer with another Windows operating system installed.

You must be signed in as an administrator to remove and uninstall Windows from a dual boot computer.

EXAMPLE: Boot options menu at startup for Windows 7 and Windows 10 dual boot
How to Remove and Uninstall Windows 7, 8, or 10 from Dual Boot PC-windows_10_boot_options_menu.png

Here’s How:

1 Boot into the Windows OS (ex: “Windows 10”) you do not want to remove.

2 Delete the boot loader entry (click on link) of the Windows OS (ex: “Windows 7”) you do want to remove. (see screenshot below)

How to Remove and Uninstall Windows 7, 8, or 10 from Dual Boot PC-delete_boot_entry_msconfig-1.png

3 Restart the computer to verify the boot loader entry (ex: “Windows 7”) has been removed.

4 Format the drive (click on link) of the Windows OS (ex: “Windows 7”) you do want to remove. (see screenshots below)

If the Windows operating systems are installed on separate partitions on the same disk (hard drive) and the Windows OS (ex: “Windows 7”) you want to remove is on the partition just to the right of the partition of the Windows OS (ex: “Windows 10”) you do not want to remove, then you could combine them by doing this below:

1) Delete the partition of the Windows OS (ex: “Windows 7”) you want to remove so it will be unallocated space on the disk afterwards.

2) Extend the partition of the Windows OS (ex: “Windows 10”) you do not want to remove into all of the unallocated space.

How to Remove and Uninstall Windows 7, 8, or 10 from Dual Boot PC-format_drive-1.png How to Remove and Uninstall Windows 7, 8, or 10 from Dual Boot PC-format_drive-2.png

5 If the Windows OS you did not remove should unlikely fail to load at startup next time, perform a startup repair for the Windows 7Windows 8, or Windows 10 OS you are trying to boot.

That’s it,

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