Easier Classes: Python Classes Without All The Cruft by Trey Hunner – YouTube
Source: DjangoCon US 2018 - Easier Classes: Python Classes Without All The Cruft by Trey Hunner - YouTube
Source: DjangoCon US 2018 - Easier Classes: Python Classes Without All The Cruft by Trey Hunner - YouTube
Source: The Digital Cat - Abstract Base Classes in Python
Source: Having fun with dataclasses and abstract base classes - On data, programming, and technology
Source: How to Build a Backtesting Engine in Python Using Pandas | by Jachowski | Medium Jachowski Apr 22, 2022 A simple way to build an easily scalable backtesting engine…
Source: forecastlab/forecast_dash: A website for viewing forecasting results of commonly used time series.
Source: vaspapadopoulos/cryptenv: A Python-based CLI to encrypt and decrypt variables in .env files
Python 3.12.0 Try using an earlier version of python. distutils was deprecated in python 3.10, and removed in python 3.12. https://docs.python.org/3.12/whatsnew/3.12.html#distutils Fix: Install pandas datareader as normal using: pip install…
Source: The Flask Mega-Tutorial, Part I: Hello, World! - miguelgrinberg.com
Source: 10 Python File System Methods You Should Know - GeeksforGeeks
Source: jeffbsun/CS230Project: Generating Probability Distributions for Future Stock Prices