GitHub – Naralas/StonksMarketPrediction: Github repo for the master thesis project of Ludovic Herbelin, supervised by Jacques Savoy.

Source: GitHub - Naralas/StonksMarketPrediction: Github repo for the master thesis project of Ludovic Herbelin, supervised by Jacques Savoy.

Continue ReadingGitHub – Naralas/StonksMarketPrediction: Github repo for the master thesis project of Ludovic Herbelin, supervised by Jacques Savoy.

GitHub – obendidi/finvestor: A single place to manager your different portfolios on different platforms/brokers. Provides an API to get market data from different data providers (currently ONLY yahoo and alpaca).

Source: GitHub - obendidi/finvestor: A single place to manager your different portfolios on different platforms/brokers. Provides an API to get market data from different data providers (currently ONLY yahoo and…

Continue ReadingGitHub – obendidi/finvestor: A single place to manager your different portfolios on different platforms/brokers. Provides an API to get market data from different data providers (currently ONLY yahoo and alpaca).